PowerTeacher TechNote:

How To Manually Override Reporting Term "Final Grades"

After you enter final grades, or if a student transfers into your class from another section, you may need to override a calculated (or blank) final grade for a student.

NOTE: You MUST enter a value for both percent and letter grade during this process, even though the MCVSD does not officially report letter grades on report cards & transcripts. Check with your guidance department for information on percent to letter grade conversion, if necessary. You can also find the MCVSD Grade Scale by clicking on the Grade Setup tab in PowerTeacher Gradebook, and viewing the Grade Scales area.

How To Manually Override Reporting Term "Final Grades"

1. Open your PowerTeacher Gradebook and select a class from the Classes pane.

2. Click the Scoresheet tab, then click Final Grades mode. The Scoresheet Final Grades window appears.

3. Choose a reporting term from the Filter By Reporting Term pop-up menu (such as Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 or M1 F1). The Scoresheet window refreshes and displays only those assignments and scores with a due date that falls within that selected reporting term.

4. Click on the final grade field of the student for which you want to manually override a final grade.

5. From the gradebook menu bar, choose Tools > Score Inspector.

6. Select the Manual Override checkbox.

7. Enter the new percent in the Percent field (a Percent grade is required).

8. Enter the new letter grade in the Grade field, or use the pull-down menu to select a letter grade (a Letter Grade is required).

9. Enter final grade text in the Comment field, if applicable (optional).

10. Click Save. The final grade appears within the selected student final grade field. The final grade appears bolded, italicized, and with a red circular exclamation point "!". If a comment was entered, a blue circular "C" also appears.

11. Notify your building guidance/principal whenever you manually override reporting term "final grades" as above, so the student's "historical" information can be updated to reflect this new grade value.

Assistance is available via PowerTeacher Gradebook Help (Launch PowerTeacher Gradebook and click on the "?" icon or click the Help menu--->Contents).

If there are any questions, please contact the Guidance staff at your school, or contact the MCVSD Tech Group for assistance.

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